Chapter 3 (and 4) of Torven’s Journey

Hey guys! Just wanted to let you all know that I am still posting stuff! Torven’s Journey will no longer be updated here. This blog will most likely be changed to musings about writing and also for my prompts I do. D&D Tales will continue to be posted here as well, but Soaring Falcons and Torven’s Journey are now going to be posted on Archive of Our Own. So please go check it out.

That brings me to why I started writing this post: Chapter 3 is finally done and I’m already starting on Chapter 4! It’s right here, so please check it out. Leave a comment if you like it! Thanks guys!


Update: I wrote chapter four as well! Same link just one chapter over!

Writing Update July 30th, 2018

I have nothing to update on Soaring Falcons, Torven’s Journey, or D&D Tales. All of them are close to being done on their current chapters, but I just haven’t had a chance to get to them because my current work on The Battle Master has taken up all my time. I only have 3 chapters left, so it’s hard not to work on it.

Anyways, figured I’d do a quick post. I’d predict a new Torven chapter here soon along with D&D Tales. Soaring Falcons may take a bit more work.

Update (July 4th, 2018)

Alright so the last week has been hectic, to say the least. On the plus side, I finished Chapter 30 of Battle Master! That was my big accomplishment. Only 5 chapters left. On the minus side, everything else has stagnated. I do finally have some drive for Soaring Falcons again, so that’s neato fritto. I’m hoping to pump out a chapter each of Soaring Falcons, D&D Tales, and Torven’s Journey this week while I reset for next week to work on Battle Master as well. My word count has also been down lately, but I will fix that. Anyways, update time!Read More »

Update (June 28th)

So the last week has been admittedly slower than expected but I at least partially got a few things done. My Soaring Falcons has had some growth on AO3 so that’s a good start. Both AO3 and Fictionpress are finally updated, although I was a bit slow doing it. Let’s see how each one is doing.

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Blog Challenge Part 3

“So… for your challenge today, I want you to write a post giving your very, very best writing advice. Pretend you’re speaking to the writers of tomorrow, or your younger self… or whatever you need to do. Put a lot of thought into it, and make it more than a few sentences!”

Alright, I can do that.Read More »

Updates (June 20th, 2018)

Hey guys and gals! I figured I’d start doing a weekly update, probably every wednesday, into what I’m working on each week. Right now, my main concern is Chapter 30 for The Battle Master, but I’ll explain more in a bit. The idea is I will post what is going on for each piece of work and then share a small excerpt at the bottom from one of them. So without further adieu, here is how everything is looking this week.Read More »